Autism Detection: A Summary of Dr. Ami Klin’s Autism Work

Free Workshop

Increase Talking &
Decrease Tantrums

in Young Children with

Autism &/or Speech Delays

When we emphasize very early autism detection and treatment, we can literally change the trajectory of a child’s diagnosis. I wanted to share some of Dr. Ami Klin’s work so that you can understand just how vital this early intervention is in the birth to age 3 time period, and I wanted you to see some of the groundbreaking work he’s done on how to get a child’s behavior back “on-track.”

I attended Dr. Klin’s lecture at the 2019 National Autism Conference, and I asked him, “Do you think we can prevent autism?”. I’ve personally seen some really amazing stories of children with autism turning completely around, but Dr. Klin indicated that he believed there was no way to prevent autism. However, and this is really the key to his years of research, he really believes that identifying the early signs of autism and early autism detection can help a child have the best possible outcome and prevent behavioral disorders, speech disorders, and intellectual disabilities from occurring. No matter how mild the autism may seem at the time of diagnosis, Dr. Klin believes that all autism diagnoses should be treated early.

I really think that birth to age 3 is underfunded and undervalued, but it is such a key time to address and help children with autism. A child can’t afford to get a little bit of OT and a little bit of speech because this is the time period when the brain is more plastic and able to change more easily. That’s why this has been my mission for the last few years; to give parents and professionals the resources they need to make a significant difference in a child’s diagnosis. So make sure to tune in to hear the surprising research and my takeaways from Dr. Klin.

You’ll Learn

  • What the sub-thresholds for autism look like.
  • Are autism diagnoses and outcomes based on race and socioeconomic status?
  • How the IDEA funding’s distribution both helps and hurts the autism community.
  • Why I’m starting to change my stance on screen time.
  • Why we need to start treating autism like a public health crisis.
early detection of autism


Ready to Start Turning Autism (or Signs of Autism) Around?
Ready to Start Turning Autism
(or Signs of Autism) Around?

Get started with Dr. Mary Barbera’s proven strategies and take the next step toward real progress today.