Early Intervention and Special Education Professional Development with Kyle Lee Jones-Sherman

Free Workshop

Increase Talking &
Decrease Tantrums

in Young Children with

Autism &/or Speech Delays

As an autism mom myself, I speak a lot in the show, in my community, and in the design of my courses about how parents can be empowered, learn, and become the captain of the ship to turn delays around for their child. But I love to see more BCBAs and professionals adopting the Turn Autism Approach, getting educated on a child-friendly technique, and teaming up with parents to make the biggest difference. Today I talked with Kyle Lee Jones-Sherman, a retired Special Education teacher and BCBA working as a private consultant for Early Intervention, about her experience finding and taking my courses.

My Courses and Community—where to Start?

A parent of one of Kyle’s early learners shared my name and recommended one of my free workshops. Because Kyle is always learning, she checked it out. A free workshop is a great place to start and get some baseline information. From there, Kyle consumed my courses, quickly taking the toddler course and joining my online community. Kyle remarks that the community space is a great way to learn from and support parents, and bring new knowledge into her practice. Since taking my courses, Kyle feels confident in her approach and knows she can make the best impact.

Train the Trainer

While many of my previous courses have been very parent-focused, I have a new course currently in beta testing, Train the Trainer. Kyle is a member of this course and shares about how this program helps herself, the parents, her early learners, and the BCBA candidates she supervises. This is a great resource for professionals to learn how to apply my approach and educate those they work with. This current beta test will end in June, so stay tuned to find out where we go from there.

Empowering Parents

I always say parents are the “captain of the ship”, Kyle added on to this phrase with a great statement, “We are the wind beneath their sails”. Professionals have a great responsibility to lead and support not only gung-ho parents but also busy, unsure parents who aren’t ready to dive all in. The tools in my courses and community, as well as my free content, are there to do just that. If you’re not ready to commit to a 60-day course, you can always search Mary Autism + the topic you need information on, such as sleep, speech, or problem behavior.

Be sure to check out the courses I have available as well as take 10 minutes of your time to take the digital autism assessment online, which is still currently free.

Early Intervention and Special Education Professional Development with Kyle Jones-Sherman

Kyle Lee Jones-Sherman on the Turn Autism Around Podcast

Kyle Lee Jones-Sherman, BCBA, M.S., is a board certified behavior analyst, a licensed behavioral specialist, and former special education teacher. Her classroom participated in the Pattan Autism Initiative and she is currently self-employed as a consultant. Kyle provides supervision for BCBA candidates, provides individualized training and feedback to parents, and works as a BCBA with early learners as well as providing training to other therapists and administrators on verbal behavior. She received her undergraduate degree in Elementary Education from Millersville University and has a Master’s Degree in Special Education.

You’ll Learn

  • Why parents are recommending my courses to BCBAs!
  • How BCBAs can benefit from my courses and community.
  • A child friendly approach that empowers parents.
  • How my courses and approach can help ANY child.
  • How can my courses increase confidence in your professional practice?
  • A community of parents and professionals supporting each other.


Free Workshop

Increase Talking &
Decrease Tantrums

in Young Children with

Autism &/or Speech Delays

Start making a difference for any child with autism or signs of autism through this free 1-Hour Life-Changing Workshop!