Dr. Sarah Williams: Trauma-informed ABA Therapy and Supporting Black Children with Autism

I met Dr. Sarah Williams on TikTok, where she has a huge following. Shes a BCBAD with both a master's and a doctorate in applied behavior analysis, and she is also a black woman. We talk about not only social media and her business and supporting families with and without a diagnosis, but also the unique challenges and obstacles of families who are black professionals, and especially BCBAs who might be having some challenges in a mostly white field.

Adult Autism Services: Advocating for Life-Long Support

Today we are talking all about adult autism services for individuals with severe autism. This is an excerpt from podcast episode 153 that I did with Jill Escher, who is the president of the National Council for Severe Autism. We talk about the challenges with helping adults with severe autism and some steps that we...

Diversity in the Autism Field with Dr. Fumi Horner

Autism affects a diverse array of children and families, whether it be cultural, religious, racial, or language differences. Does diversity in the autism field reflect and accept these individual preferences? Dr. Fumi Horner, Japanese native and doctoral level BCBA, shares her perspective on diversity and its place in the world of autism.

Chinos’ Story: An Autism Update with Jocabed

I often get asked about the kids I've worked with, that I mention in my book or courses, and how they are doing now. Jocabed is here with me today to give us an update on her son Chino. He is now age 11, we talk about his progress to this point, raising children in a bilingual household, navigating religion for a child with Autism, and safety concerns Jocabed had for Chino early on. Jocabed gives us a relatable perspective on how the circumstances of raising a child with Autism is always changing, they do get better.

Empowering Parents: Parent Led Therapy for Children with Autism

Parents taking charge is really important. You are your childs lifelong advocate and you can be their best teachers. I talk alot about this in my book and today I am sharing some parent success stories and more information on how you as a parent or as a professional helping parents, can begin to captain the ship.

Making ABA More Compassionate with Celia Heyman

Celia Heyman is a Board-Certified Behavioral Analyst, pursuing her doctorate, and fellow autism mom who advocated for her son to get the best compassionate ABA services to help him reach his fullest potential. Celias son was diagnosed with autism in 2004 after she noticed he wasnt talking as much as his older sibling. He was…