When A Child with Autism Will Not Take Medicine

Todays video blog is all about when a child with autism will not take medicine. As you know, I’m a behavior analyst and a mom to 2 adult sons, one with autism.  Some of you may not know that Ive also been a Registered Nurse for over 3 decades. I feel that my nursing background...

Ruling Out Autism Medical Problems…Easier Said than Done!

As you probably know, Im both a mom to an adult son with autism as well as a BCBA.  But what you may not know is that Im also a Registered Nurse. I often remind people that medical issues can cause some behaviors in children and adults with autism. And you cannot treat medical issues...

Reducing Vocal Stimming and Scripting in Children with Autism

Join us for this new take on the Top 5 questions, where Kelsey and I talk via Facebook Live. Were answering questions all about stimming and scripting. This episode will help you get clear on what is stimming in autism. Whether youre noticing stimming in your child and have concerns about autism OR stimming and vocal stimming have become excessive or dangerous, we have some great information to help you move forward.

How to Teach Children with Autism to Respond to Their Name

When a child does not respond to their name when called can be one of the first hallmark signs of autism. This is considered a red flag on the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers or the M-CHAT and a diagnostic indicator on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule known as the ADOS. Since many children...

Is it Time to Start Teaching Reading?

As a BCBA, I often see a heavy focus on teaching reading, math or other academic skills with both younger and older children with autism. In this week’s video, I talk about the important lessons I’ve learned in situations like this: