Julie Cairns works with clients to help them reprogram their belief system to have an abundance mindset. When there’s a battle between your subconscious and your conscious beliefs, the subconscious always wins. In order to change that, you need to recognize it, understand it, and then align your conscious goals with your subconscious.
Julie grew up in the upper-middle-class in Canada, but after her parents’ divorce when she was 11, her entire world was upended. By the time she turned 13, her mother had filed for bankruptcy, and that was the moment when Julie’s scarcity mindset with money began. Over the next few decades, as she moved into a professional financial career, she made and then lost millions of dollars. She realized that as long as she continued to operate from her old belief system, she would never stop the cycle of making money only to lose it again.
The abundance and scarcity beliefs exist not only with finances but also with parenting. In the autism world, this might look like when you believe that you’re not good enough, that you can’t understand what’s happening, or that you believe you don’t actually know what’s best for your child. Julie identifies questions that parents should ask themselves so that they can weaken this false belief, and then she shares how parents can replace that scarcity mindset with an affirming and positive one.
Today’s Guest
Julie Ann Cairns is the best-selling author of The Abundance Code book, published by Hay House and available on Amazon, and the Director of The Abundance Code docuseries currently available on Gaia.com. She is a highly sought after Abundance Mindset and Business coach. Julie Ann has a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics with Honours, and Masters degree in Business Administration and International Finance.
Julie Ann has generated over $100 million in sales over her 30+ year career in business, and she’s helped to change the mindsets of over 100,000 people around the world through her book and docuseries. Formerly an economist at the Reserve Bank of Australia, Julie has also worked in Funds Management, Stock Market education, online sales and marketing, as well as Abundance mindset mentoring and coaching.
Check out Julie Ann’s book at www.theabundancecodebook.com and sign up for a free video series about “The 7 Money Myths”- the 7 biggest subconscious blocks to money.
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