Autism and Safety: Keeping Kids with Autism Safe

autism and safety

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Decrease Tantrums

in Young Children with

Autism &/or Speech Delays

There’s a major difference between raising a typical child and a child with autism, but if they have one thing in common it’s that they can quickly get themselves into an unsafe situation—especially when they’re young. That’s exactly why today I’m sharing my tips for keeping your child safe in any situation… whether it be at home, at school, or in the community. This episode is especially useful for autism and safety tips.

If you’re a parent or professional in the autism community, you’ve likely heard a horror story or two. Yes, it’s easy for a child to hurt themselves, but there are many precautions you can take to decrease some of those risks.

When my son Lucas was a toddler, it was nearly impossible to keep up with him… even at home. He wanted to play outside but it was difficult to keep an eye on him and his brother at the same time. Investing in a fence was one of the best decisions I ever made—it saved my sanity! Two more lifesaving modifications you can make to your home are to install gates and doorknob covers.

If your child attends a public school, it’s very important that you sit down with the faculty and make it clear that your child requires extra, one-on-one attention. Depending on where your school is located, they can be very accommodating; but at the very least they should be aware of your child’s needs.

It’s frightening just how easy it is to lose a child out in town, the mall, or the park. Some parents may frown upon leashes and harnesses, but these tools can be utilized for good when teaching boundaries and reinforcement. My own son has a GPS system on his phone… should he ever get lost, we’re able to track his phone.

Pools are one of the biggest dangers within the community. Studies prove that children with autism are more likely to drown than typically developing children, so it is of the utmost importance that you always keep an eye on your child when a pool is within range. If you or your neighbor own a pool, make sure that proper safety measures are taken!

Ultimately, everything that we do, we do to keep our children safe. We want them to lead their safest, happiest, healthiest lives and it’s up to us to help them do just that.

Mentioned In This Episode:

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