Autism Regression: Child with Autism is Making No Progress!

autism regression

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Increase Talking &
Decrease Tantrums

in Young Children with

Autism &/or Speech Delays

As a behavior analyst of nearly two decades and a mother to a son with autism, I know firsthand what sort of problems tend to make parents and professionals feel stuck on their journey. Whether you’re facing autism regression or lack of progress, I’m going to talk about five areas where you may be stuck and give you solutions so that you can conquer them and then continue to help your child or client reach their fullest potential.

One obstacle that parents and professionals can get stuck on is self-care. If your child doesn’t have many independent self-care skills, it can bring down their quality of life; it can also affect their IQ tests. These sorts of skills include potty-training, dressing themselves, and their shower routine.

These obstacles are not always easy to overcome; if you’re stuck with one of the five things that I mention, don’t be hard on yourself. Instead, take my tips and apply them to your child. You won’t see improvement overnight, but it will bring about progress. And if you need some extra advice or coaching, then I recommend checking out my free online workshop.

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