Autism TikTok- Parenting Without Power Struggles with @thefamilybehaviorist

Free Workshop

Increase Talking &
Decrease Tantrums

in Young Children with

Autism &/or Speech Delays

TikTok is the way of the future when it comes to disseminating information and getting the word out there. I have recently joined TikTok this summer @TurnAutismAround, and have had the opportunity to see a lot of great information out there on “Autism TikTok”. Today I am talking with Mandy Grass, @TheFamilyBehaviorist, a BCBA and SPED teacher. Mandy is new to TikTok as well but has gained a lot of traction over the last few months in her educational videos about common problems parents and professionals face with both typically developing children and children with autism.

How Can Tone Impact Behavior?

We are all guilty of getting frustrated, being short, etc. BUT tone is crucial to how a problem is handled and behavior continues afterwards. It’s important to maintain a positive tone with whoever you’re working with, students, parents, staff, etc. How you say something can make a huge impact on what the response will be. You can find Mandy’s video on tone at her TikTok or linked below.

Accepting No

Sometimes the answer is no. For whatever reason, a child cannot have or do what they are asking for. Mandy shares her experience with reducing tantrums when hearing no for her own children. With high reinforcement and a simple replacement behavior, Mandy’s family is no longer facing problems if something can’t be done right away or even at all. For Mandy, she introduced the replacement behavior of “Okay, Mommy” when they hear no but even if you have a non-verbal child this concept can work with an adapted replacement your child can understand. To hear more about the specifics, this video is available @TheFamilyBehaviorist and linked below.

Dealing with Power Struggles

If you’re playing tennis and you put your racket down, you’re no longer playing tennis. Put your racket down. Arguing back and forth creates a power struggle, but you have the power to stop it. Create an agreement about when you can revisit the discussion. Is it when the child is sitting in the chair? Is it when they stop a specific behavior? Mandy tries to avoid the word calm and instead provides a specific action that represents calm. She shares about figuring out the cause of behavior and also administering appropriate consequences that don’t unnecessarily escalate or elongate the problem. Mandy’s videos on power struggles can be viewed on TikTok and some are linked below.

The advice Mandy and I share and discuss today can be used in a wide variety of settings by both parents and professionals and for both typically and non-typically developing children. If you’re on TikTok please check us out. You can find me @TurnAutismAround and Mandy @TheFamilyBehaviorist. Follow us and be sure to Like, share, and comment, to really help us reach more people who need to hear what we have to say!

Autism TikTok- Parenting without Power Struggles with @thefamilybehaviorist

Mandy Grass on the Turn Autism Around Podcast

Mandy Grass is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) and mom! She has been in the field of education for over 10 years. She started her career as a special education teacher at a school for students with intense behavioral needs. She is currently a BCBA in a public-school pre-k through 12th grade and has been for 5 years. She became a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst in 2015 and had her first daughter in 2016. She now has3 daughters! She has realized how the evidenced based practices of applied behavioral analysis are applicable for all kids. She has worked with hundreds of families over the past few years to help parents navigate a variety of behavioral issues using science.

You’ll Learn

  • How BCBAs and other professionals are reaching the public with TikTok.
  • The interesting message and perspective from Mandy Grass @TheFamilyBehaviorist on TikTok.
  • How can tone impact behavior?
  • How to help your child accept no.
  • How to deal with power struggles in your household.
  • A look into Mandy Grass’s viral TikTok videos.
  • Tips for parents and professionals to help common problems with typically developing children and children with autism.


Free Workshop

Increase Talking &
Decrease Tantrums

in Young Children with

Autism &/or Speech Delays

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