Speech Delay vs Autism: Recognize the Signs to Delayed Speech in Children
Many toddlers have speech delays, and sometimes a speech delay is a symptom of something bigger, like autism. I know from experience that it’s often confusing and overwhelming to parents who are on waiting lists…
How to Help a Late Talker
Having a child who is a late talker can be stressful. Will they talk on their own? Do I need to intervene? Are they just a late talker or is it more – like autism? Whether they are just late talkers or it is more, the fact remains that there is a lot you can […]
How to Teach a Nonverbal Child to Start Talking
As a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, I know how important language is for children with autism or signs of autism. I’ve worked with many nonverbal children both in person and through my online courses, and have figured out what works and what doesn’t when teaching a toddler to talk. These same techniques work for older […]
Handling Aggressive Behavior in Children with Autism
Many people think that aggressive behavior is a part of autism and it’s something that we just have to deal with. This is not true. Today, I am going to tackle the topic of aggression head on.https://youtu.be/EMLKsSPg8n0?list=PL0_NcGwhzOkg2piPj8GvyrJTJr2aglQN8 Each week I provide you with some of my ideas about turning autism around. So, if you haven’t […]
Autism and Hitting | Resolving Autism Aggression
When people find out I’m a Behavior Analyst and work with children with autism, the most common question I get is “how do I stop my child from hitting?” Today, I have some strategies on…