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Invest in support from Dr. Mary Barbera and her coaching team. By application only. Get individualized feedback so that your child or client (with or without a diagnosis of autism) can make the most progress in the shortest amount of time. Get all the details and fill out a confidential application today!
Start using a child-friendly and proven approach to increase talking, decrease problem behaviors and improve picky eating, sleeping, potty training and more for parents and professionals helping kids with autism and toddlers showing signs.
Are you ready to start turning language delays around, but not sure how? Then this 5 Day mini-course is a great way to get started. In just 5 days you’ll learn how to complete important assessments and create a plan to increase language, all while avoiding common mistakes often made and making the process fun and engaging for your child or clients.
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Invest in support from Dr. Mary Barbera and her coaching team. By application only. Get individualized feedback so that your child or client (with or without a diagnosis of autism) can make the most progress in the shortest amount of time. Get all the details and fill out a confidential application today!
Start using a child-friendly and proven approach to increase talking, decrease problem behaviors and improve picky eating, sleeping, potty training and more for parents and professionals helping kids with autism and toddlers showing signs.
Are you ready to start turning language delays around, but not sure how? Then this 5 Day mini-course is a great way to get started. In just 5 days you’ll learn how to complete important assessments and create a plan to increase language, all while avoiding common mistakes often made and making the process fun and engaging for your child or clients.
When I assess a child for delays and autism spectrum disorder, I want to look at the child as a whole so I can get a full picture of what’s really going on. This means looking at much more than the number of words a child says compared to typical milestones. We want to assess things like pointing, whether a child responds to their name, their self-care skills and much more. Important behavioral signs like eye contact and body language can offer valuable insights. By looking at the whole picture, we can see much more clearly if a child has “just” a speech delay vs autism.
You can assess the whole child quickly with my Barbera Early Childhood Assessment™, also known at the BECA. While this assessment won’t determine if a child has a speech delay or autism, it will allow you to see the child’s strengths and needs which can help determine what interventions may help.
Normal speech develops from cooing and babbling to using words in complete sentences. Looking at a typical child’s speech milestones will help determine if a child has a speech delay. According to Healthline, a typically developing two-year-old can say about 50 words. This increases to about 1,000 words by the time he turns three. A child may have trouble pronouncing words or forming the correct sounds. This is different from a language delay, where he would have trouble understanding words and using them correctly in a sentence.
A speech delay can be caused by hearing loss, neurological disorders, lack of stimulation, and even a physical problem with the mouth like a tongue-tie. A speech-language pathologist can help diagnose and treat a speech delay. They will look at what your child understands, what they can say, how clear the speech is, and their oral-motor status. Whether a child has a speech delay or autism, you can learn how to intervene right away with my online courses.
A language delay is different from a speech delay. A language delay may mean a child has some words, usually labels, but they don’t communicate their wants and needs to adults or use words functionally. Children with autism spectrum disorder or autistic children often have language problems or developmental delay, and they can also have speech delay. Social communication problems can also result from speech delay and autism spectrum in children. But how can you tell if a child just has a speech or language delay, or if it is autism?
One way to assess whether a child is a late talker or has more than a speech delay is to look at their imitation skills, pointing, and whether they respond to their name. A good tool to use is the M-CHAT. The Modified Checklist of Autism in Toddlers is a list of 20 questions that can help you determine if your child is showing signs of autism. Generally, with autism, children may not point, use gestures or respond to their name. Children with just speech delays may lack speech skills but have good gestures and joint attention.
You might be wondering if your child has a speech delay vs autism because of all the isolation they are experiencing due to Covid-19. A speech delay can develop because of a lack of social interaction, though you may not notice the signs of a speech delay or autism if your child spends most of their time at home as well. There is also a new term called virtual autism where signs of autism may be present due to a child’s excessive screen time use.
There are many strategies that you can use at home to help develop speech, including table time, singing songs, reading books, and talking with your toddler. Learn how to engage them at home here now.
As a first-time mom with a nursing background, I didn’t know much about typical milestones. I knew nothing about the early warning signs of autism. But in my defense, it was the late 1990s before Google searches or Facebook and the rate of autism back then was 1 in 500, not 1 in 36 like it is today.
Once Lucas was diagnosed with autism, I made it my mission to learn the early warning signs and to train pediatricians around the state of Pennsylvania through an early detection grant from First Signs. I can’t diagnose autism, but as a Registered Nurse, and a Behavior Analyst with a strong background in autism spectrum, I do look for early warning signs of autism with a child. Such as an 18-month-old or two-year-old who’s not talking much or at all. And if your child is having these early warning signs of autism, please know not to panic. No matter the actual diagnosis, I’m going to tell you some things that you can do today to start helping turn things around.
In addition to looking at pointing and language, I also want to use the BECA to look for things like playing. Does the child play with more than just one toy? Or is he super focused on one object and needs to carry it around all the time? Does he play with things over and over again, like stacking blocks, not just for a couple of minutes while you do something quickly, but for hours and hours? If a child can be content not using language but is engaging in repetitive playing, this could be a red flag for autism.
However, it’s important to look at more than just a child’s language milestones. We also want to look at self-care skills like the ability to feed themselves, drink out of an open cup, and the ability to self-regulate. Do they get so upset that they can’t calm themselves down? Are they having frequent tantrums and problem behaviors? You can use this free assessment to help you.
Signs of autism and symptoms can be confusing, which is why it is important to pay attention to your child’s ability to meet expected milestones. Some of the early signs of autism in children include not responding to their names, avoiding eye contact, repetitive movements like flapping their hands or rocking their bodies, and getting very upset if they do not like something. The signs of autism in 18 months and 2-year-olds are similar.
You need to learn all you can about the science of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and my child-friendly, 4-step Turn Autism Around® approach. Using my proven strategies, especially when a child is very young, can turn around both speech delays and excessive tantrums by increasing language skill and improving things like picky eating, sleeping and potty training.
My approach, which is based on all of the science of ABA, can help children with speech delays, early signs of autism in toddlers and other related disorders. I cover my approach extensively in my book and my online courses, and I believe this is the best path forward for turning around autism and signs of autism in your child or clients.
In summary, if you are concerned about your child or toddler, and you can’t tell if it’s a speech delay vs autism, first learn typical milestones and warning signs. Start by taking my free 10 minute assessment. Next, visit the CDC website and MaryBarbera.com for helpful resources to compare what the child is doing. Then talk to your child’s pediatrician and their preschool teacher and get a screening done. Start early intervention as soon as possible. Finally learn about my unique, child-friendly, ABA approach.
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