Dr. Missy Olive: Medical Conditions Associated with Autism

medical conditions associated with autism

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Medication in the autism community can be a controversial subject. In my opinion, we need to talk about it more so that there is less false information out there, and parents and professionals can be equipped with research and the ability to change their – and their children’s – lives. My guest today is Dr. Melissa “Missy” Olive, a doctoral-level BCBA and a licensed behavior analyst. We will be discussing common medical conditions associated with autism.

Missy was introduced to autism at a very early age when her younger brother, Mack, began to show traits of autism as an infant. Growing up with a sibling who had autism pushed Missy to seek out becoming an OT, although she later changed to focus on early childhood special ed and severe problem behaviors.

In this interview, we cover a multitude of topics, and Missy gives her knowledgeable opinion on not only the medical conditions associated with autism, but also pill swallowing, chewing, gut issues, and diet changes. She also talks about picky eating and how ‘tongue ties’ may be affecting your child’s diet.

Did today’s episode give you something to think about? Do you have a question for me or a topic you would like to see covered in the future? Email me at [email protected]!


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Increase Talking &
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