Ethics for Behavior Analysts: The Top 3 Mistakes We Make With Behavior Babe, Dr. Amanda Kelly

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Dr. Amanda Kelly, Behavior Babe, is back, and today she is sharing some of the ethical mistakes we make as BCBAs. This episode isn’t just for professionals; we talk about how parents can help with these mistakes or have a better understanding when it comes to these areas in the care plan.

Mistake 1: Professional Jargon

Manding, Punishment Procedure, FBA, RBT, etc.—there are SO many words and acronyms that are just not present in natural language. Because BCBAs and other professionals find themselves discussing cases with other professionals or using the language in education settings, they may forget to turn off the jargon when it comes to talking with parents. Not putting information about a child’s care and therapy into layman’s terms can create barriers and big gaps in understanding. Consider what words you’re using and how you’re delivering information so that everyone can be comfortable and on the same page.

Mistake 2: Consider Cultural History, Experiences, Customs, Traditions, and Norms

The goal is to help the child be able to function and be independent as best as possible for THEIR family and family life. So be cognizant of their family values and norms that could be relevant to their culture, race, or religion and have an impact on goals or even just therapy visits. These can vary from no shoes in the home to eating choices or even sleep arrangements. Families, be open with your BCBAs and other providers so that they can understand and help in the way that is best for you.

Mistake 3: Asking TOO Much

Dr. Amanda and I both have a hack for getting to the heart of what matters to a family. Amanda asks, “What would we do for your child first if I had a million dollars and a magic wand?” She then follows down the line with the next important wish. The family’s goals and needs really matter, so be sure you’re considering what goals are most important first, and don’t overload the parents with too many plans and procedures that aren’t on their list of priorities.

Before we round out the episode, Amanda adds TWO bonus mistakes: forgetting the use of ABA in all environments and expecting perfection. Dr. Amanda Kelly and her colleagues have recently released a new book that covers all we talk about today and more, available on PDF print and available in hard and soft cover soon, Back to Basics: Ethics for Behavior Analysts.

The Top 3 Mistakes We Make With Behavior Babe, Dr. Amanda Kelly

Dr. Amanda Kelly on Turn Autism Around Podcast

Dr. Amanda Kelly, also known as Behavior Babe, received her doctorate in Behavior Analysis from Simmons University and has worked as a paraprofessional, teacher, school counselor, and behavior analyst within home and school settings as well as in residential placements. Dr. Kelly has earned many awards for her advocacy and dissemination efforts and became the very first licensed behavior analyst in Hawaii in 2016.

You’ll Learn

  • Top 3 ethical mistakes for BCBAs.
  • How can cultural differences impact ABA therapy?
  • Should therapists consider family customs?
  • Can professional jargon create barriers in ABA therapy?
  • How can you relay medical information in layman’s terms?
  • How to find out what matters to a family when it comes to goals for their child?
  • Why you shouldn’t expect perfection.
  • The ethical code for BCBAs.


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