Global Autism Project: Autism Around the World with Molly O.

global autism project

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The Global Autism Project is a nonprofit organization that has helped people in developing countries provide better treatment for children with autism. My interviewee this episode is Molly Ola Pinney, the founder and CEO of the Global Autism Project.

Molly agrees that the best way to describe her fall into the autism world is exactly that: a fall. She was first introduced to autism when she was babysitting for a family whose son had autism. They asked her to become an ABA therapist, and while she did so, she considered this to be a dead-end job because the family would be moving across the country to Ghana, Africa, in a few weeks.

Instead, Molly moved to Ghana with the family.

That was when she realized that the people in other countries needed help handling and diagnosing autism. And it wasn’t going to be as easy as giving a few people some tips; she was going to need a global movement. 17 years later and the Global Autism Project works in 15 countries worldwide.

The recent Coronavirus has shaken everybody’s world, and Molly was forced to make the difficult decision to cancel many of her company’s future trips. However, she is optimistic that this epidemic will only strengthen the Global Autism Project and all of its future endeavors.

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