How to Teach Conversational Skills to Children with Autism

conversational skills

Free Workshop

Increase Talking &
Decrease Tantrums

in Young Children with

Autism &/or Speech Delays

I cannot over-emphasize the importance of verbal language skills. In this episode, I focus on how to teach your child conversational skills, why it’s so important, plus share strategies that I’ve developed over the course of two decades.

Verbal communication is the easiest form of communication between a child and parent or professional and is known to decrease problem behaviors and increase desirable results. I’m all about helping your child or client lead their safest life and reach their fullest potential—being able to answer and ask questions is a great way to help them do just that. It’s imperative that your child can answer questions such as: what is your first name? what is your last name? what is your address?

My son Lucas was diagnosed with autism one day before his third birthday and is considered an intermediate learner. Since that diagnosis, I’ve been very involved with intermediate teachings and what I can do to help not only Lucas but other children who may be labeled intermediate learners. I’m passionate about this topic because I’ve seen too many professionals not be adequately equipped to teach intermediate learners the skills they need to communicate.

Trying to teach a child conversational skills is not an easy task, but you can’t let problem behaviors stand in your way! Consistency is key. Intermediate learners don’t just get “stuck” with language; they always have the room to make great strides and improve. Don’t let yourself become discouraged and give up; stay focused on your goals and never lose hope!

Mentioned In This Episode:

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