When Lucas first started showing signs of autism, I was in denial. He had yet to be diagnosed by a medical professional, and I thought he could just be ADHD or have a speech delay instead. I know I’m not the first parent to experience such denial, and I definitely won’t be the last. That’s why I want to go over the basics and answer some lingering questions you might have about whether it’s ADHD, a speech delay or autism.
I developed a free guide called, Is It Autism, ADHD or Typical Toddler Tantrums, Three Steps You Can Take Today Instead of Worrying. It’s a three-step guide and if your child never gets a diagnosis of autism or if the waiting list is something awful, it can help you out tremendously.
The first step is to learn your child’s developmental milestones at every age. When should your child drink out of an open cup? When should they start pointing at objects? If your child begins to fall behind, you’ll notice and give yourself the best chance for early intervention.
The second step is to set an appointment with your child’s pediatrician. Like I’ve mentioned before, the waiting list to get tested and diagnosed for autism can be up to six months and more. Most people don’t realize that you can schedule a regular sick appointment if you’re worried about your child.
The third and final step is to learn about ABA. I firmly believe that every child can benefit from ABA, even if they’re the most typically-developing child in the world. If your concern turns out to be nothing, then great. But if your child has ADHD, a speech delay or autism, then you’ll be so grateful you took my advice.
I would like to make the note that ADHD vs autism, is the main cause of worry for most parents. That’s why it is necessary to answer the question: is it autism or ADHD? Telling the difference can be very difficult, but here are a few examples.
The most important thing is the attention span. Children with ADHD find it hard to pay attention to the same thing for too long while autistic children have limited areas of interest. A child with ADHD may not pay attention to any one item for long but an autistic child will have high focus levels on their favorite items/toys.
Another facet that makes autism and ADHD easy to understand is communication difficulties. Children with ADHD are known to talk continuously, interrupt others, and always want to have the last word. Children with autism on the other hand may have issues expressing their emotions and thoughts and may also struggle with eye contact.
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