ADHD vs. Autism – Differences, Early Signs & Next Steps

When toddlers are inattentive, hyper focused on certain topics or items, or extremely hyperactive, both professionals and parents wonder if it's normal, if it's just a phase, or if it's ADHD or autism. Today, I want to discuss ADHD vs. autism symptoms in very young children and the treatment for both.

How to Overcome Picky Eating for Children with Autism

Many children with and without autism are picky eaters, and some even have serious feeding disorders, which need to be treated by medical professionals. In these circumstances, a thorough evaluation at a feeding clinic may be needed, but there are a lot of kids that can be helped at home or at school, so today I'm going to give you 7 picky eating strategies to help picky eaters start to eat better.

How to Teach a Child with Autism to Blow Their Nose

Before I had a son with autism and then became a Behavior Analyst, I never imagined how hard it would be to teach a child to blow his nose. Today I'm going to break down the steps and give you some easy strategies to help you teach your client or child with autism to blow their nose.

Autism and Hitting | Resolving Autism Aggression

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]When people find out I'm a Behavior Analyst and work with children with autism, the most common question I get is "how do I stop my child from hitting?" Today, I have some strategies on how to deal with autism and hitting.    

PANDAS Disease and Autism: The Need to Knows

Back in June of 2004, my son, Lucas, was only six years old. He has moderate to severe autism so his behavior reflects his diagnosis. But one morning, he woke up with an acute onset of motor tics. The first day was really abrupt. He started flipping his shoulder and making a sound over and...