Problem Behaviors Related to Pain and the Four Functions of Behavior

problem behaviors related to pain

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Many of our children or clients with autism may have severe problem behaviors related to pain and medical issues. Even if children are vocal, they may not be able to accurately describe the pain or where the pain is coming from and may have problem behaviors due to pain. I consider this to be a very important topic in the autism community. I will also discuss the four functions of behavior, including the “forgotten function”. If you are not a professional in the autism community or you haven’t had the chance to do much research, then you’re probably unfamiliar with these terms. Don’t worry; I’m going to catch you up to speed before we dig too deep.

There are three functions that all behavior analysts look at on a daily bases: they are socially mediated positive reinforcement, socially mediated negative reinforcement, and automatic positive reinforcement. The function that I consider to be “forgotten” is automatic negative reinforcement.

When an animal is hurt, it is instinct for them to begin biting; or when someone is in extreme pain, they might grasp a hand or something solid to alleviate the pain. Well when a child or adult with autism is in pain or startled, they may develop self-injurious problem behaviors as a way to cope.

I have dealt with such problem behaviors before, both in clients and my own son, and I know that ruling out medical conditions is not a one time thing. It’s an ongoing need to help our kids reach their fullest potential.

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