Today’s episode is like a mini-coaching call with Emily R, who joined my book launch team and is at the beginning of her journey of using the Turn Autism Around approach to help turn autism around for her son. Emily’s son Kash was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2 after showing some of the classic signs of autism, including hand flapping and delayed speech. Luckily, Emily was able to immediately access speech and OT services through a state program.
At the age of three, Kash was diagnosed with epilepsy, so he’s had a lot of medical issues to work through. After four years of ABA therapy, he has a few words, some signing abilities, and an AAC to help him communicate his wants and needs.
Walking Emily through the 4 steps of the Turn Autism Around approach, I want to emphasize that this is not medical advice and should not be taken for that. My approach helps parents to identify the most pressing need for their child. I personally believe that for ages 6-10, especially when they don’t have language abilities, is one of the most dangerous time periods for children with autism. The number one leading cause of death in children with autism is drowning. If a child loves water, but can’t swim, then you can see how dangerous it can be.
Keeping track of Kash’s behavior will help Emily as she talks with doctors so that she can confidently remember how often and how long his tantrums last. Plus, the calendar tracking system can also help her see how medication might be affecting Kash’s diet, behavior, or sleeping patterns.
My book Turn Autism Around: An Action Guide for Parents of Young Children with Early Signs of Autism is in stores now. This is the guide I wish that I had had when Lucas was first diagnosed over 20 years ago, and I hope it will help any parent struggling with a new diagnosis chart a better path for their child.
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