Using Talk Tools to Support Picky Eating and Speech with Risca Solomon

Free Workshop

Increase Talking &
Decrease Tantrums

in Young Children with

Autism &/or Speech Delays

No progress with echoic control? An unexplained picky eater? What if your child or client simply doesn’t have the oral motor skills to make sounds or eat food? Risca Solomon, BCBA, joins me today to talk about her impressive work with Talk Tools on her UK farm.

Talk Tools

Talk Tools is a systematic approach to speaking and eating that takes into account and teaches specific oral motor skills to perfect each motion. This is a tool commonly used by SLPs, but Risca herself is certified as a BCBA and is completing extensive research on Talk Tools and ABA. Be sure to check out our previous episodes on Talk Tools for even more information.

Skybound Therapy

Living on a 120-acre farm, Risca operates an impressive autism center where families from all over the world visit for intensive therapy with her providers. Families stay present and work hard for 5-day increments and see wonderful results, with some families visiting up to 4 times a year. With over 10 BCBAs on staff, Skybound also reaches out to the community.

Risca and her team are truly impressive, and you will love her “fall into autism” story about her foster brother Dan. That’s where her career really began, and now she is continuing to impact so many lives!

Risca Solomon on the Turn Autism Around Podcast

Risca is a BCBA and founder of Skybound Therapies, which provides ABA, speech, and OT therapies in the UK. Risca is passionate about improving the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities. Risca was able to use ABA and positive behavior support techniques to help her foster brother with autism and challenging behavior develop language at 12 years old. She then launched Skyboard Therapies in response to many requests for help from viewers of her YouTube channel.

You’ll Learn

  • What is Talk Tools?
  • How to teach feeding and speaking skills?
  • Is it behavioral or skills based for feeding issues?
  • How to use talk tools to gain echoic control.
  • How to use talk tools if you’re a BCBA.
  • Visit Risca’s UK farm for intensive autism therapy.


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