What Are Autoclitics?
Children and adults of all ages use manding every day. However, it’s not necessarily intuitive to notice the opportunities for manding on your own. Dr. Lechago and I discuss several ways to take the demand of manding practice and utilize natural needs for manding for information. Some simple fun ways are through game play. In this episode I talk about how I watched my son, Lucas play Go Fish and naturally mand for information during his turn in the game, “Do you have the red card”. Playing games is an easy, stress free way to practice this. Additionally, we say “sabotage” your routine. Make a noticeable, conscious mistake like forgetting utensils at breakfast or leaving the light on before bed. When your child notices, they can learn to mand for information like “where is the fork” or “why is the light on”. Dr. Lechago discusses how she uses meaningful, engaging activities like building a volcano in her manding trials. These are fun and exciting but it does not have to be the bar in which you practice manding at your home.
Dr. Sarah Lechago references really great articles, studies, and research in addition to her own in today’s episode. She also shares some quick tips for parents and professionals considering teaching manding for information. If you’re looking to learn more about manding for information and teaching intermediate learners, check out all of the linked resources.
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