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Hi, I’m Dr. Mary Barbera, autism mom, Board Certified Behavior Analyst, and bestselling author. Each week I provide you with some of my ideas about turning autism or signs of autism around. So if you haven’t subscribed to my YouTube channel, you can do that now.
I have calendars dating back for years and I have graphs of problem behaviors for many, many years too. A lot of times, this has really helped us make strides to figure out if problem behaviors were related to medical conditions.
We use Lucas’s calendar for his staff that comes in, too. We use a pencil to keep track of who’s watching him. Then we use a red pen to keep track of any medical issues, problem behaviors (such as self injurious behavior & aggression), and medicine. Calendars are also good for keeping track of work tasks. So I can look back and see that on July 24th, he had agitation. He was given Motrin. I can see that he had a doctor’s appointment on the 18th of July. He had an allergy shot on July 20th. We have noticed, because of my data, that headaches and problem behaviors tend to come up when he’s due for an allergy shot, for instance.
The autism data collection method of using a calendar and keeping track of medication, issues, and patterns will help you and your team help the child reach his fullest potential. For more information on taking data and autism, my free 3 Step Guide at marybarbera.com/join. If you are interested in using the calendar method, let me know below. I want to know how that works out for you.