Should You Use Chew Toys for Kids with Autism?

Should You Use Chew Toys for Kids with Autism? Most infants chew on various toys and blankets, especially while they're teething. Some kids with autism - or signs of autism - continue to chew well beyond infancy. Whether they are chewing on their hand, shirts,  sleeves of their shirts, or any nonfood items, it can…

The Role of Functional Nutrition and Medicine in Autism

Everything in the body works together, like an orchestra, and you need all of these pieces in place. Denise Voight practices Functional Medicine with an emphasis in Human Nutrition, and she brings this whole body approach to seeing patients with autism and ADHD. By addressing a patients nutritional or vitamin deficiencies, Denise is able to help children improve their behavior and diet.

What is the ADOS Test?

ADOS Test for Autism There are different levels of the ADOS. The autism diagnostic observation schedule is mainly used for children. However, it can be used for older kids who you’re not sure have ADHD, speech delays, or obsessive compulsive behavior. There’s also a part of the ADOS that can be used for adults that...

Teaching Play and Social Skills to Children with Autism

Rather than simply hoping a child with autism picks up social and play skills, I believe that its imperative for parents, caregivers, and therapists to purposefully teach these skills. But before a child can run, they have to learn how to crawl. I share the developmentally appropriate language skills, and some strategies to teach them, that can help children with autism develop a language foundation on which to build social and play skills.

How Much Positive Praise Do You Give?

I gave a keynote presentation called Lessons Learned on my Autism Journey. One of the lessons is about positive praise. The best part of this lesson is that you will most likely benefit no matter how old you are, no matter if you are male or female and no matter if you know anything about...

Autism Success Story with Michele C.

In February 2020, Michelles daughter was given an autism diagnosis, but while she was lining all of the specialists up, the COVID shutdown occurred. Suddenly without the support she was counting on to help her, Michelle purchased my online course. In just six weeks, Michelles daughter went from only two words to around 500 words. Even I was amazed by the huge progress Elaina had, and I knew I just had to hear her story.

Early Signs of Autism in Babies and What To Do

So often we hear something along the lines of early intervention is best practice. This is true, but even still, young children are not usually sent for further assessments until closer to two or three. The good news is, if you're worried about early signs of autism in babies, there are steps you can take…

Music Therapy for Autism | Interview with Music Therapist Marlene

Inserting music into physical therapy can utilize both sides of the brain, and increase the efficacy of the physical therapy. For children on the autism spectrum who are engaged in musical therapy, it can improve their motor movements, their language skills, and not only their learning but also their maintenance. Dr. Marlene Sotelo discusses the evidence-based research surrounding music therapy for children on the autism spectrum.

What is an IEP for Kids with Autism?

IEPs (Individualized Education Plans) are super important. My son, Lucas, who is now 23 years old was three when he got his first IEP. At that point, I didn't know much about what an IEP was but I learned a lot over the years. So, today I want to share what an IEP is, why…

Autism and Bilingualism with Magui Moreno

As a dual language household, Magüi Moreno and her husband intended to teach their son Adrian both Spanish and English. Early concerns about his language abilities were brushed off as a result of trying to teach two languages at once, but an autism diagnosis at the age of 4 led their family on a different path. Language learning is not an innate learning, so Magüi had to learn how to teach a language from the bottom up. Today Adrian is learning a little Spanish with his grandma. Stay tuned for Magüis tips for special needs parents trying to cope with the Coronavirus pandemic.