Recently, on a Facebook Live, I asked parents and professionals if they could wave a magic wand, what autism struggle would they want to go away? A handful of people said they wanted to make meltdowns go away, so today, I’m going to talk about three autism meltdown strategies to help both parents and professionals.
Each week I provide you with some of my ideas about turning autism around. So, if you haven’t subscribed to my YouTube channel, you can do that now. I have a little disclaimer: Behavior Analysts, including myself, don’t really use the word meltdown very much. The reason for this is that it’s not an objective and measurable term. In other words, I don’t know exactly what the word meltdown means. If you tell me that your child is having a meltdown, I can’t visualize exactly what is happening. I also can’t visualize other words that parents and some professionals use to describe behavior problems in kids with autism. People say, “The child was really frustrated, he was out of control, he was anxious.” Reporting that your child is having a meltdown is kind of like that.
But instead of saying, “You need to talk more behaviorally,” the best way to get people talking more behaviorally, so that we can help them, is to ask what the child’s meltdown looks like. Does the child fall to the floor? Does he hit others during a meltdown? Does he scream during a meltdown, throw objects? Basically, this helps us to define the autism meltdown. Also, if you and I are trying to count whether the child is having a meltdown or not, or is having 10 meltdowns a day, or a week, our counts would not be the same if the behavior is not better defined.
So in summary, to reduce meltdowns, the three autism meltdown strategies are as follows: we want to define and describe what meltdowns look like, assess the frequency and seriousness of the meltdowns, and step three is to intervene, mostly with preventative strategies. If you liked this video blog I would love it if you would leave me a comment, give me a thumbs up, or share this video with others who might benefit. To learn more about how to help children with autism I would like it if you’d download my free guide at, and I’ll see you right here next week.
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