Autism Research & Evidence Based Intervention for Autism with Dr. Melanie Pellechia

autism research

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The more autism research there is, the better. Research not only helps parents and professionals in the autism community, but anyone who has ever had questions about the condition. There is still a lot that we don’t know or don’t understand, but research answers questions. That’s why I’m really excited to introduce to you, Dr. Melanie Pellechia.

Dr. Pellechia is an assistant professor at the Penn. Center for Mental Health at the University of Pennsylvania. Furthermore she is a licensed clinical psychologist, although she started out as a board certified behavior analyst. After nearly two decades in the field, she knows what she’s talking about.

Her fall into the world of autism began when she was an undergraduate in college. She had a professor who spoke about ABA in class, and once her curiosity was peaked, she approached that professor about her work. That professor hired her to work as an ABA therapist, and Dr. Pellechia was immediately hooked. She says that she loved the connections she made both with her patients and their families.

So why make the switch from BCBA to full time autism researcher? According to Dr. Pellechia, it was the ethical challenge to provide ABA care to all families, not just the ones who could afford it or knew how to jump through the numerous hoops; she thought everyone deserved ABA care.

Dr. Pellechia’s clinical and autism research interests continue to lie in improving implementation of evidence based treatments for children with autism in community settings.

This is one interview you don’t want to miss. Dr. Pellechia is full of information, including some stats that even I didn’t know! She also shares her thoughts on self-care, with the evidence to back up her beliefs.

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