Planning for Children with Autism

Planning for children with autism is essential for a child to reach their fullest potential. Making a plan that will work at home and at school is the second most important step to start turning autism around for your clients or child, so I’m diving into the topic of planning today.

Held back or kicked out of daycare or preschool?

You might be worried because your child was recently held back or kicked out of daycare or preschool. Or maybe you’re just concerned that it might happen, if things continue the way they are.

Pairing: The Key to Turning Things Around for Kids with Autism

Whenever a child has problem behaviors it is most likely due to the demands being too high or reinforcement being too low. Any problem behavior can be analyzed in the same way. If we have a child who is falling to the ground and crying, we can look at that and we could say, “Okay,...

Should parents be in the therapy room or waiting room?

When Lucas was two-years-old, before his diagnosis of autism, we took him to speech therapy sessions weekly at our local hospital and the speech therapist that worked with him was great. She really taught me a lot. I was allowed and encouraged to be in the therapy room. They also had an option to stand...