I told him on that day that I never ever wanted to hear the word autism again. 15 months later, I had to prepare for a doctor’s appointment knowing Lucas would most likely get diagnosed. I read Catherine Maurice’s book, Let Me Hear Your Voice. Through that book I learned that kids with autism diagnosed and treated very intensively starting before or at the age of three could get significantly better. They could become indistinguishable from their peers.
My most popular video blog to date is, “Is it Speech Delay or Autism?” with almost half a million views. You may want to check that out to help you see the first signs of delays and that there isn’t very much difference between autism and speech delay.
My goal is to help parents and early intervention providers identify any delay as soon as possible. I have seen signs and symptoms of autism reversed and sometimes eliminated, especially with early childhood interventions. I’ve even seen autism prevented in some cases.
I have a free toddler guide called, Is it Autism, ADHD, Just a Speech Delay or Typical Toddler Tantrums? You can get it for free by going to marybarbera.com/toddler. After you get the guide, you can also watch an online workshop to get you on the right path to help your child or your early intervention clients talk more, tantrum less, sleep in their own bed, wean off bottles and pacifiers, potty train and a host of other issues that come up with kids with and without autism.
Get started with Dr. Mary Barbera’s proven strategies and take the next step toward real progress today.