With over 300 words, an abundance of new self-care skills, new tolerance for outings, and other small gains, Marie is helping her son become safe, independent, and happy. Many times we focus on speech and other verbal operants, but it is just as important if not more to focus on skills needed for daily life like brushing teeth, helping around the house, and going to church, the doctors, and the barber.
I have many courses available to suit your family’s needs that can make a difference, including our new School Age course and the Train the Trainer course. Be sure to check them out and see how you can get joined up, we’d love to have you as part of our course and community!
Marie L. is the mom of two children (ages 9 and 11) who are both diagnosed with autism. She has been a member of the Turn Autism Around courses and community since the spring of 2020 when the pandemic thrust her into the world of homeschooling. Marie is thrilled to share her success in becoming the best teacher and advocate for her kids. She lives in New York.
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