What Nadia Can Do To Improve Speech Delays in 2 Year Olds?

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Increase Talking &
Decrease Tantrums

in Young Children with

Autism &/or Speech Delays

Wondering about 2-year-old speech delays? Maybe your child or client is talking, but not talking much or maybe they have no words at all! What can you do?

This episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Nadia, a dedicated mother who has made remarkable strides in helping her son Muhammad, who is on the autism spectrum. After relocating from Pakistan to Australia, Nadia faced the challenge of long waitlists for services to support her 2-year-old’s speech delay. She turned to my courses and books for guidance, applying verbal behavior techniques to support Muhammad’s development.

Through consistent application of these strategies, Nadia has seen significant improvements in Muhammad’s behavior and communication skills. She successfully managed problematic behaviors like fecal smearing, and tantrums by focusing on prevention and using the right reinforcers to engage him during learning sessions. Speech delays are often so much more and that is why my online courses cover self-help, problem behaviors, and language!

Even though Nadia has seen great strides in the speech delay in her 2-year-old, there is still much to work on and today, I go over his current assessment, create a plan and give Nadia strategies on how she can support, not just his speech delay, but picky eating as well.

This interview highlights the critical role of parental involvement and the necessity of seeking professional help when needed. By combining her efforts with the techniques she learned from my resources, Nadia is helping Muhammad reach his fullest potential.

You’ll Learn

  • Nadia and her son’s current journey and progress
  • Next steps to help 2-year-old speech delays
  • Completing speech assesssments and making a plan
  • Tackling picky eating
  • Including video models to build language
  • How to get more words during the day

Speech Delays in 2-Year-Olds

Nadia’s son had no words when she began my courses, now he has a few consistent words and some pop out words. While her son does not just have a speech delay, and now has a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, our discussion highlights what you can do if you have a 2-year-old with a speech delay or autism.

According to Kids Health, a 2-year-old with a speech delay may imitate words but doesn’t have much spontaneous language, is not putting two words together, may have a raspy voice, and may not follow simple directions.

It is important to track developmental milestones in order to notice 2-year-old speech delays very quickly so that you can start helping your child, even if they are on waitlists like nadia’s son, right away!

What To Do For a 2-Year-Old Speech Delay

I loved hearing about all of Nadia’s progress since beginning the courses. Her son now sits at the learning table for building speech, he no longer has severe problem behaviors like fecal smearing, and has gained some words!

When she first started my courses, her sons Barbera Early Childhood Assessment™ was just at 26% overall, and is now at 42% so the progress is great but there is still a lot that needs to be done.

So what can you do to support 2-year-old speech delays and/or autism?

  • Early Diagnosis and Intervention for Speech Delays and/or Autism
    • Nadia got Muhammad diagnosed with autism at 20 months to understand his specific needs and challenges.
    • She used resources like my verbal behavior approach, books and courses for guidance, which is great while waiting on wait lists for help!
    • My Recommendation: Continue to do regular updates with Barbera Early Childhood Assessment™ to monitor Muhammad’s progress and adjust interventions as needed.
Barbera Early Child Assessment for Speech Delays in 2 Year Olds
An example plan listing M's strengths and needs, including a plan of priority areas.
  • Join Supportive Courses and Communities
    • Nadia enrolled in the toddler and preschooler program and the verbal behavior bundle which has given her a head start to improving his milestones.
    • She participated actively in online communities for support and shared experiences.
    • My Recommendation: Engage in out monthly live Q&A sessions and webinars to stay updated on new strategies and receive personalized advice. If you are struggling with 2-year-old speech delays and autism, joining the courses and engaging in these live calls will help you navigate your individual situation.
  • Use the Right Reinforcers
    • Nadia identified effective reinforcers that motivated Muhammad to engage in learning activities.
    • She ensured reinforcers were appealing and used consistently to encourage desired behaviors.
    • My Recommendation: Regularly rotate reinforcers to maintain Muhammad’s interest and motivation, and introduce new reinforcers based on his evolving preferences. We want to use 3-5 reinforcers at the table and consistently change out learning materials to promote a variety of language!
  • Implement Table Time Activities
    • Nadia introduced structured table time sessions to focus on learning and engagement.
    • She gradually increased the duration of these sessions as Muhammad got more comfortable.
    • My Recommendation: Incorporate a variety of activities during table time to cover different developmental areas and keep Muhammad engaged. Remember that not all 2-year-olds will sit for extended times, and that is ok! Engaging kids with speech delays and autism most of their waking hours in a mix of table top, and active play activities is great.
  • Focus on Behavior Prevention
    • Nadia used prevention strategies to manage problematic behaviors, like fecal smearing, by anticipating and addressing triggers. We want to spend 95% of our time preventing problem behaviors.
    • She implemented consistent routines to minimize the occurrence of unwanted behaviors.
    • For tantrums related to not being able to talk, you can use the shhh and give method and continue to improve language skills.
    • My Recommendation: Keep a behavior diary to track potential triggers and adjust prevention strategies as needed to continue minimizing problematic behaviors.
  • Professional Help and Assessments
    • Nadia sought professional help, such as speech therapists, to provide additional support. They suggested he may be a gestalt language processor.
    • I highlighted by even if he is, the strategies in the courses will work and we can use his scripts as clues to build more functional language.
    • She regularly assessed Muhammad’s progress using tools like the Barbera Early Childhood Assessment™.
    • My Recommendation: Explore additional therapies, such as occupational therapy, to support Muhammad’s overall development and address any sensory issues.
  • Track Language Development
    • Nadia took frequent language samples to monitor Muhammad’s progress.
    • She created and maintained word lists (clearly articulated and unclear words) to target specific language goals.
    • My Recommendation: Use video recordings to capture language samples and review them for patterns and progress, allowing for more targeted interventions.
    • Continue to use an excel spreadsheet to track all of his words that are clear and unclear as clues to words you can add to your learning activities.
  • Utilize Educational Games and Songs
    • Nadia integrated educational games that focused on letters, numbers, and simple words that Muhammad liked.
    • She used sing-song games and interactive songs to encourage Muhammad’s verbal responses and engagement.
    • My Recommendation: Introduce new educational games and songs periodically to provide variety and sustain Muhammad’s interest in learning. Since he says letters and numbers, use letter and number puzzles to encourage these words to get momentum on him talking.
  • Address Feeding and Nutrition
    • With help from the online course modules on picky eating, Nadia has made a good start with picky eating and I had some extra recommendations.
  • Transition from Bottles to Straw Cups
Straw Cups to help speech delays in 2 year old
Example of a straw cup that can be used to support straw use as a help for autism or speech delays
    • Work on transitioning Muhammad from bottles to straw cups to promote better oral motor skills.
    • Use straw cups that Muhammad couldn’t see through, initially offering his favorite liquids to encourage acceptance.
  • Introduce Smoothies and Nutrient-Rich Foods
    • Nadia gradually introduced smoothies containing fruits, vegetables, and his iron supplements to boost nutrition.
    • She included ingredients like spinach and berries in the smoothies to enhance nutritional intake.
  • Manage Picky Eating
    • Identify a list of easy, medium, and difficult foods, based on Muhammad’s preferences and the texture he tolerates.
    • Offer small portions of new foods alongside familiar favorites, using high-preference foods as reinforcers.
    • Implement a consistent routine during mealtimes, creating a calm and predictable environment.
  • Seek Professional Help
    • Consult with professionals regarding Muhammad’s nutritional deficiencies, particularly his low iron levels.
    • Work with a dietitian or nutritionist to ensure Muhammad’s diet met his nutritional needs.
    • Monitor Muhammad’s health, keeping track of any improvements or concerns related to his diet and feeding behaviors.
  • Incorporate Feeding Strategies
    • Nadia used techniques from my courses, such as offering a high-value reinforcer before introducing a new food.
    • She employed methods to make mealtimes enjoyable, like using colorful plates and utensils and incorporating favorite characters.
    • Nadia practiced patience and persistence, understanding that progress with feeding might be gradual and require consistent effort.
  • Address Mouthing and Pica Behaviors
    • Differentiate between mouthing (exploring with the mouth) and pica (eating non-food items).
    • Provide safe, chewable toys to satisfy Muhammad’s need for oral stimulation.
    • Remain vigilant, ensuring that unsafe items were out of reach and promptly addressing any mouthing or pica behaviors.
    • My Recommendation: In addition to continuing with the recommendations I gave above, gradually introduce more challenging textures and flavors to Muhammad’s diet, celebrating small victories and using positive reinforcement to encourage acceptance of new foods.
  • Encourage Manding and Reinforcement
    • Focus on manding (requesting) by offering choices and making a big deal out of successful communication.
    • Incorporate manding opportunities in everyday activities and playtime for Muhammad.
    • My Recommendation: Increase the complexity of manding activities by introducing new items and scenarios, ensuring Muhammad continues to develop his communication skills.
  • Involve Other Family Members
    • Include Muhammad’s siblings in interactive activities to create a supportive learning environment.
    • Encourage everyone to use slow, animated speech and interactive songs to engage Muhammad.
    • My Recommendation: Hold regular family meetings to discuss Muhammad’s progress and share strategies to ensure everyone is consistent in their approach.
  • Implement Video Modeling
    • I recommended using video modeling to expand Muhammad’s language.
    • Show Muhammad videos where people modeled desired language and behaviors, using techniques from Miss Mary and Miss Rachel’s videos.
    • Include these videos during Muhammad’s screen time to encourage mimicry and speech.
    • My Recommendation: Create personalized video models featuring family members or familiar settings to increase Muhammad’s interest and engagement with the content.
  • Incorporate Letters and Numbers
    • I suggested leveraging Muhammad’s interest in letters and numbers.
    • Add letter and number puzzles to Muhammad’s activities.
    • Use these puzzles to engage Muhammad in sing-song games and interactive play, encouraging him to echo and use words.
    • Ensure all educational activities included letters and numbers to help Muhammad connect them with language skills.
    • My Recommendation: Develop themed activities around letters and numbers, such as creating letter-based crafts or number scavenger hunts, to make learning more dynamic and fun for Muhammad.

By following these steps and incorporating my recommendations, Nadia can continue to help her non-talking 2-year-old son, Muhammad, improve his communication skills and overall development.

Free Workshop

Increase Talking &
Decrease Tantrums

in Young Children with

Autism &/or Speech Delays


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