A lot of children with autism or signs of autism get stuck when it comes to learning receptive language abilities, such as touching body parts or touching a banana out of several pictures. I got a lot of really great advice on receptive identification over the past two decades from Dr. Mark Sundberg. So today we’re talking about some key lessons from Dr. Sundberg in teaching receptive language skills.
Dr. Sundberg told me about a procedure where he’d have a picture of a pen to use as a prompt, say “find pen” and have the child match it from an array. Then he would start covering his hand over the picture, or showing it quickly and removing it so that eventually the child would know to look for the picture of a pen in the array just by hearing the prompt and possibly seeing a blank card. This can help strengthen receptive language skills even for children or teens who have been struggling for a long time.
If you want to watch the whole interview with me and Dr. Sundberg, you can go to marybarbera.com/53. You can also listen to it as you’re on the go on Apple podcasts by searching for Turn Autism Around.
And if you’re a parent or professional who needs more information about how to get unstuck, I’d like to invite you to a free online workshop at marybarbera.com/workshops. If you like this little video blog, I would love it if you would give me a thumbs up, leave a comment, share with others, subscribe to my channel. I hope to see you right here next week.
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