So if you are feeling stuck getting your child or client to follow directions, try going back to teaching them imitation. You can say “Do this” while touching your own head or even say “Do this, touch head” and combine receptive and imitation skills. Fading out imitative prompts quickly using transfer procedures is important and you can read about that the linked blog.
No matter the age of your child or client, you can start turning autism around. It’s always possible to make progress and your child or client should be making progress. As I said in my previous blog post about autism language assessments, your child or client should at least be safe and as independent and happy as possible.
Turning Autism Around for Parents of children ages 1-4.
Autism ABA Help for Parents of children ages 5-21.
Autism Professionals Bundle for ABA’s, teachers, SLP’s, and more.
Get started with Dr. Mary Barbera’s proven strategies and take the next step toward real progress today.