Solving Speech Delays in 4-year-olds and Autism Denial: Hot Seat #6 with Vikram

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Increase Talking &
Decrease Tantrums

in Young Children with

Autism &/or Speech Delays

I have had autism dads on in the past but never for a Hot Seat. For this episode I am talking with Vikram, a father of two in Melbourne, Australia. Just after his son’s 1st birthday, concerns for autism were brought up by a pediatrician friend. After some time of denial, a period of waiting on evaluations, Vikram’s wife Leah ordered my book, Turn Autism Around. For their family this was the light that sparked understanding, and they have since joined my online course and community, and seen some notable gains in their son.

Speech Delay or Autism

It can be concerning when noticing speech delays in your child, whether that means no or very little communication for their age. Speech delay doesn’t always mean autism but with or without a diagnosis, the early learner materials in my book and courses are really important for making gains in these skills. Vikram and I spent some time discussing Nahum’s Language Sample. We go over the importance of creating Number One and Number Two word lists, practice and repetition at table time, echoic control, and articulation.

Autism Dad on Denial

If you’ve been a listener or a part of our community for any time, you’ve heard me discuss my denial when it came to Lucas’ diagnosis in ‘99. I truly think in any two parent household, there is going to be one who sees the concerns and another facing denial. Vikram, spent a lot of time in denial about his son’s delays and concerns. Any type of evaluation that landed on the side of non-autism, he held onto. It wasn’t until he read my book, Turn Autism Around, that he realized his son had 8 of the 10 deficits outlined and knew he had to get to work. Vikram says that taking the online courses, and consistently working on table time with his son and now his younger daughter has really made an impact and encourages others on the fence to take the wheel and become the captain of their own ship!

Articulation Delay and Autism

Is your child really saying a word even if they’re not pronouncing it correctly? Yes. Articulation delays or errors can occur for a variety of reasons. Nahum pronounces his number two words, Pig and Star as Pih and Stah missing the hard G and R ending sounds. These are difficult sounds and can definitely be practiced by utilizing words with the sounds at the beginning of the word. However, echoic control should be more primarily focused on before prioritizing articulation. I shared about Lucas’ development of the Schwa sound by adding a long uh to the end of words because I was too heavily pronouncing and articulating letters, like Cup vs Cupuh.

Vikram and I touch on a lot of burning questions as well as direct information from his son’s language sample and one page assessment. Be sure to download and check the documents, as well as tune into the podcast episodes and videos mentioned if you’re sharing some of the same concerns.

Solving Speech Delays in 4-year-olds and Autism Denial: Hot Seat #6 with Vikram

Vikram on the Turn Autism Around Podcast

Vikram P. is the proud father of two children, Nahum and Hosanna. He and his wife Leah, live in Melbourne, Australia where Vikram serves as a pastor and evangalist.

You’ll Learn

  • Is it common for parents to be in denial of autism?
  • Does speech delay mean autism?
  • What is echoic control?
  • Should you focus on words or articulation?
  • What self care skills should you focus on?
  • Can mealtimes and feeding affect other skills and goals?
  • Why table time is important for early learner skills.


Free Workshop

Increase Talking &
Decrease Tantrums

in Young Children with

Autism &/or Speech Delays

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