My Autism Journey with Lucas

Over the last month, I participated in a challenge titled: The 25 Days of Autism. This was inspired by Kate for Finding Coopers Voice and Autism Adventures with Alyssa. I had such a great time going through pictures and talking about what was going on in our lives or Lucass diagnosis or progress. Head on over to my website or Facebook so you can see all the pictures I am talking about in this episode.

Dr. Temple Grandin and Dr. Debra Moore on their Latest Book Navigating Autism

Navigating Autism: 9 Mindsets for Helping Kids on the Spectrum, is Dr. Temple Grandin and Dr. Debra Moores newest book. We are discussing these mindsets and some autism hot topics such as medication for autism and the controversy of ABA. The interesting information they share from their book, are empowering tools that can helpfully develop the full potential in any child.

Using Behavior Science to Support Children with Learning Challenges with Dr. Kim Berens

FIT Learning Center is a worldwide program founded by Dr. Kimberly Berens. The focus of her center is rooted in using behavior science for direct instruction and precision teaching for rapid growth in students with learning challenges, disabilities, and delays. We are discussing how she emulates importance in order of teaching, utilizes virtual teaching, and teaches students on varying levels to improve past their best in a regular school setting.

Diversity in the Autism Field with Dr. Fumi Horner

Autism affects a diverse array of children and families, whether it be cultural, religious, racial, or language differences. Does diversity in the autism field reflect and accept these individual preferences? Dr. Fumi Horner, Japanese native and doctoral level BCBA, shares her perspective on diversity and its place in the world of autism.

Teaching Toddlers with Autism Using the Turn Autism Around Approach: Hot Seat #3 with Lauren

Lauren is a married mom of two girls, who found my book and courses and is ready to begin to Turn Autism Around for her oldest daughter Avery. She is taking the hot seat as we discuss their fall into the Autism world, the concerns Lauren has had for Avery since birth, and how to implement the steps of the Turn Autism Approach at home and with ABA therapists.

Empowering Parents: Parent Led Therapy for Children with Autism

Parents taking charge is really important. You are your childs lifelong advocate and you can be their best teachers. I talk alot about this in my book and today I am sharing some parent success stories and more information on how you as a parent or as a professional helping parents, can begin to captain the ship.

Teaching Object Imitation to Children with Autism

All children learn language, social skills, and play skills through imitation. Kids with autism and toddlers with signs of autism or other delays tend to be very delayed with imitation. So today we are talking all about how to teach imitation using objects. I recently did a Q&A with my online course members and was...

Elizabeth’s Autism Story & How ABA Strategies Helped Her Son

Elizabeths autism story started with an eating concern. Her young son was stuck on baby food jars, and when he saw solid food, hed have a visual choking reaction to it. He literally gagged at the sight of food. Because Elizabeth only knew children with autism who were non-verbal or were on the severe side…