My Autism Journey with Lucas

Over the last month, I participated in a challenge titled: The 25 Days of Autism. This was inspired by Kate for Finding Coopers Voice and Autism Adventures with Alyssa. I had such a great time going through pictures and talking about what was going on in our lives or Lucass diagnosis or progress. Head on over to my website or Facebook so you can see all the pictures I am talking about in this episode.

Dr. Temple Grandin and Dr. Debra Moore on their Latest Book Navigating Autism

Navigating Autism: 9 Mindsets for Helping Kids on the Spectrum, is Dr. Temple Grandin and Dr. Debra Moores newest book. We are discussing these mindsets and some autism hot topics such as medication for autism and the controversy of ABA. The interesting information they share from their book, are empowering tools that can helpfully develop the full potential in any child.

Teaching Toddlers with Autism Using the Turn Autism Around Approach: Hot Seat #3 with Lauren

Lauren is a married mom of two girls, who found my book and courses and is ready to begin to Turn Autism Around for her oldest daughter Avery. She is taking the hot seat as we discuss their fall into the Autism world, the concerns Lauren has had for Avery since birth, and how to implement the steps of the Turn Autism Approach at home and with ABA therapists.

PANS and PANDAS Disorders: Interview with Beth Maloney

Being a parent can be a challenge on any day, but it can be especially challenging if your child starts exhibiting extreme behavior changes and tics that seemingly come out of nowhere. Beth Maloney and her son experienced exactly that in 2002 and didnt have many resources to turn to. Beth Maloney is sharing her…

Top 10 Best Autism Podcast Episodes of 2020

I tackled a lot of issues in this years 52 Turn Autism Around podcast episodes, and I interviewed some amazing success stories from the autism community. My top ten list includes my own personal favorites, as well as my listeners favorites as well. I am excited for 2021 and the opportunities well have to grow this community even more.

Teaching Safety Skills for Autism | Keeping Kids with Autism Safe

In todays video blog, I want to talk about teaching safety skills for autism. Safety awareness is a huge concern for both parents and professionals. There are many children, teens, and adults with autism who have the language and/or cognitive functioning of a young child. This makes it harder to teach safety awareness.

Autism Detection: A Summary of Dr. Ami Klins Autism Work

Dr. Mary Barbera goes over the importance of early autism detection and treatment through Dr. Ami Klin's groundbreaking work in this rebroadcast. Learn about the impact of early intervention on a child's developmental trajectory, focusing on the crucial birth to age 3 period.

Autism Living Facilities and Out of Home Placement | Interview with Lisa C

How do you know when its time to explore an out of home placement for a young adult with autism? Lisa C, a fellow autism mom of three, had to make this difficult decision for her 19-year-old son Ethan recently, and she shares her story with me today. Just making the initial decision was hard, but navigating insurance concerns and potential homes hours away made the decision even more daunting. Lisas story is one of hope, and I think youll appreciate her thoughtful perspective.

Siblings of Autism: Interview with My Son Spencer Barbera

Dr. Mary Barbera interviews her son Spencer, sharing his experiences growing up with a brother with autism. Spencer, now entering medical school, offers valuable insights and advice for siblings of autism, highlighting resilience, compassion, and the importance of family support. Discover their journey, challenges, and decisions regarding guardianship for Lucas. A touching exploration of sibling dynamics and the strength of family bonds in navigating autism.