How to Launch an Online Business with Jeff Walker

One of the goals of the Turn Autism Around podcast is to help parents and professionals lead less stressed lives. One way to reduce stress may be to bring in additional income or see the value in online courses. I am interviewing Jeff Walker, my business mentor and author of the #1 New York Times bestseller, Launch. We discuss how to disseminate information globally, how to find your place in the digital world, how to grow a business, or how to move your current coaching program to the online space.

Building Good Behavior and Building Self-Esteem in Children with Dr. Henry Schlinger

Just like ABA, positive reinforcement is a science. Dr. Henry (Hank) Schlinger is talking about his book, How to Build Good Behavior and Self-Esteem in Children. The information in todays podcast is critical for parents and professionals. Dr. Schlinger goes over the five problems any parent faces and the five myths regarding positive reinforcement. This episode is full of great parenting advice, if what you're doing is not working, whether you have a child with autism or not.

Teaching Toddlers with Autism Using the Turn Autism Around Approach: Hot Seat #3 with Lauren

Lauren is a married mom of two girls, who found my book and courses and is ready to begin to Turn Autism Around for her oldest daughter Avery. She is taking the hot seat as we discuss their fall into the Autism world, the concerns Lauren has had for Avery since birth, and how to implement the steps of the Turn Autism Approach at home and with ABA therapists.

Using Organizational Behavior Management in ABA organizations: Interview with Shannon Biagi

Organization Behavior Management is the science of human behavior, what you know of reinforcement, punishment, and motivating operations applied with staff. Shannon Biagi, BCBA and OBM practitioner, joins us on the podcast today to discuss the gap in HR where ABA businesses are having retention and burnout. OBM focuses on turning the environment around to be productive for both the clients and staff.

Chinos’ Story: An Autism Update with Jocabed

I often get asked about the kids I've worked with, that I mention in my book or courses, and how they are doing now. Jocabed is here with me today to give us an update on her son Chino. He is now age 11, we talk about his progress to this point, raising children in a bilingual household, navigating religion for a child with Autism, and safety concerns Jocabed had for Chino early on. Jocabed gives us a relatable perspective on how the circumstances of raising a child with Autism is always changing, they do get better.

Empowering Parents: Parent Led Therapy for Children with Autism

Parents taking charge is really important. You are your childs lifelong advocate and you can be their best teachers. I talk alot about this in my book and today I am sharing some parent success stories and more information on how you as a parent or as a professional helping parents, can begin to captain the ship.

ABA Therapy: 4 Myths & Truths

ABA is a science we all use every day. I will be debunking the 4 myths of ABA and sharing with you the truth and history behind the practice. I also provide information and resources from the book to lead you to quality ABA with the Turn Autism Around approach.

Precision Teaching and Autism | Interview with Amy E. and Kelsey G.

A mom from our community, Kelsey General, joins me in this episode along with Amy Evans, Precision Teaching Practitioner. Amy works with Kelseys two boys now 5 and 7, who were diagnosed with autism at 25 months old. We hear the success story and importance of the work they do with precision teaching and fluency instruction.