Individuals with Autism and Police: What You Need To Know with Captain Gerald Turning

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My listeners know that one of my goals is to keep all children as safe as possible. Sometimes safety concerns escalate and the need for law enforcement or other first responders is necessary. In this interview with autism dad, Captain Jerry Turning, we discuss a variety of safety concerns, how to tackle them, and the importance of training for both parents and first responders.

Connecting Parents and First Responders

As an autism parent and former police officer, Jerry has a wealth of information to share. His personal blog, Bacon and Juice Boxes, first brought these important topics to his eyes. It’s no secret that families can be afraid to contact law enforcement, whether they are afraid their child will be misunderstood and hurt or that they as parents will be judged and risk their child being taken away. Jerry’s company Blue Bridge Training is committed to educating both parents and first responders on autism and safety, building a much needed bridge for these communities.

How To Alert Law Enforcement

In this conversation, Jerry and I go over a variety of safety situations, including lost children and even dealing with physical aggression from adult children in public. We talk about some great tips and tools for parents and first responders. For parents, it is so important to plan ahead for emergencies, Jerry shares ideas for documents such as an emergency detail sheet all about your child readily available for police, as well as specialized ID or information cards for independent adults with autism to carry for interactions with law enforcement. First Responders for the most part want to help and safety is at the forefront of the mind, with trust and understanding parents and the professionals can communicate to keep everyone safe.

Getting To Know Your Local Law Enforcement

Parents are pros at advocating for their children when it comes to doctors, therapy, and school. This should not stop when it comes to the first responders in your community. Jerry gives great tips for introducing and teaching your local police all about your child. He offers a 5-day course on his website that dives into this really important tool for utilizing your community helpers and keeping your child safe.

Jerry is such a relatable autism dad with very valuable information to share. You can learn more about him and his company on his website, blog, and social media. Also be sure to check out his book Desperate Pursuits, a fiction novel about a police officer grappling with his son’s autism diagnosis and other hot button law enforcement topics.

Autism and Police

Gerald “Jerry” Turning On The Turn Autism Around Podcast

Captain Gerald “Jerry” Turning is President of Blue Bridge, LLC: a company dedicated to providing Autism Response training to Police and First Responders worldwide, as well as safety education and coaching to Special Needs families seeking to build critical relationships with their local First Responders.

Captain Turning is a 25 year-veteran police officer who served most of his career as a K9 Handler, Trainer, and Supervisor. He has served as Internal Affairs Commander, Patrol Division Commander, and Training Officer for his police department.

Captain Turning is also a proud Autism Dad, blogger at “Bacon and Juiceboxes”, and author of “Desperate Pursuits”, a novel based on the challenges facing a father coming to grips with his son’s diagnosis.

You’ll Learn

  • Why are parents afraid to contact first responders?
  • Why can first responders learn from autism parents?
  • The importance of trusting law enforcement with your emergencies.
  • How to contact or alert law enforcement during an emergency that involves autism.
  • How to introduce your child to law enforcement.
  • Safety concerns for children with autism.
  • The steps for de-escalating dangerous situations with law enforcement.


Free Workshop

Increase Talking &
Decrease Tantrums

in Young Children with

Autism &/or Speech Delays

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