The advice in this episode is purely for information purposes and I encourage families to rule out all medical issues before continuing with any feeding program. Wyatt eats only smooth baby food fed directly to him and drinks only water squeezed out to him through a straw.
Tina shares that they do in fact already feed him from containers other than a labeled jar but is willing to try my suggestion on feeding from styrofoam cups or another container that will block the ability to anticipate color or consistency before being fed. We also discuss trying a thicker, chunkier consistency, as well as moving to real food puréed at home as a next step.
Wyatt is currently able to hold a cup but is unable to drink from the straw independently, I suggested sports cap nozzles as well as introducing juice as a sweet encouragement to suck from the straw. Tina and the family have listened to the episode with feeding specialist Dr. Keith Williams and have even been successful with solutions he has offered to them.
Tina is a grandparent to Wyatt who was diagnosed with global delays at 13 months, and ASD at 19 months. She found my online courses when her grandson was 13 months and began table time. Currently, Wyatt has 13 hours of ABA therapy per week. Three days a week at his house, and two days a week at his grandparent’s house. They do table time any day that Wyatt is at their home.
Tina is passionate about working with Wyatt and his family to get him the therapy he needs and continue to see progress. She urges other families to communicate and collaborate together with each other and with professionals for the best interests of their child. Not only is she able to learn from me by taking my course but by listening to this podcast she has expanded her resources to the many other professionals who have been featured and the great information they have to share.
This episode is Hot Seat #5 and I had special permission from Tina and Wyatt’s parents to discuss him and his case by name. You can find any of the assessment tools we discussed in today’s episode in my book, Turn Autism Around, or through the courses.
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