Tit for Tat Programming – Properly Programming for Autism Children

I am probably the most pro-verbal behavior programming person you will ever come across, but I have seen a lot of behavior analysts and teachers focusing on the wrong targets in the wrong order. Today, I'm going to get on my soapbox and talk about what I call "tit for tat programming". <a href="https://youtu.be/hU5oYv8cJmE" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img class="wp-image-5578 aligncenter" src="https://marybarbera.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Capture-2-300x170.png" alt="tit for tat programming" width="842" height="477" /></a> <div class="more-link-container"><a class="more-link" href="https://marybarbera.com/tit-for-tat-programming-properly-programming-autism-children/#more-5573">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Tit for Tat Programming &#8211; Properly Programming for Autism Children</span></a></div>

Held back or kicked out of daycare or preschool?

You might be worried because your child was recently held back or kicked out of daycare or preschool. Or maybe you&#8217;re just concerned that it might happen, if things continue the way they are.

Is Autism Recovery Possible?

Did you know that up to half of children diagnosed with autism can recover if they are treated  with ABA therapy when they are very young? It was first shown that kids with autism could become indistinguishable from their peers in a classic study done by Dr. Ivar Lovaas published in 1987. That was 30...

Ruling Out Autism Medical Problems&#8230;Easier Said than Done!

As you probably know, Im both a mom to an adult son with autism as well as a BCBA.  But what you may not know is that Im also a Registered Nurse. I often remind people that medical issues can cause some behaviors in children and adults with autism. And you cannot treat medical issues...

How to Get a Parent Out of Autism Denial

Im often asked &#8220;How do you get a parent out of autism denial?&#8221; In the first page of my book, The Verbal Behavior Approach, I say that my husband first mentioned the possibility of autism when Lucas was only 21 months old. I was horrified and I told him that I never ever wanted to...