Early Signs of Autism in Babies and What To Do

So often we hear something along the lines of early intervention is best practice. This is true, but even still, young children are not usually sent for further assessments until closer to two or three. The good news is, if you're worried about early signs of autism in babies, there are steps you can take…

What is an IEP for Kids with Autism?

IEPs (Individualized Education Plans) are super important. My son, Lucas, who is now 23 years old was three when he got his first IEP. At that point, I didn't know much about what an IEP was but I learned a lot over the years. So, today I want to share what an IEP is, why…

How to Help a Late Talker

How to Help Late Talkers Having a child who is a late talker can be stressful. Will they talk on their own? Do I need to intervene? Are they just a late talker or is it more - like autism? Whether they are just late talkers or it is more, the fact remains that there…

Respite Care for Children with Autism

Respite Care for Children with Autism The reality is, most of our kids need to be engaged most of their waking hours. Respite care for children is needed to give parents a break regardless of the length of time they have been on the autism journey. In this blog I'll be discussing what respite care…

Early Childhood Intervention for Children with Autism

Early Childhood Intervention for Children with Autism Are you seeing delays in your child but scared to take the leap to get evaluated and start early childhood intervention services? One of the most critical things you can do for your child is to start intervention as soon as possible, whether they have autism, ADHD, a…

Things You Can Do While Waiting for an Autism Test

Autism test waiting lists are long, and getting longer by the day. So, while you're waiting for an autism test, know there are things that you can do to help your child or client. You can be proactive and get a better understanding of where your child or client is at developmentally, and also learn…

Language Delays: How Are They Different from Autism?

Language Delays: How Are They Different from Autism? Are you worried that your child may have a language delay? You are not alone. Language delays are one of the most common developmental delays. But it isn't just about if your child is talking or not. Language delays can also be related to a child's understanding…

Why is My Child with Autism Crying So Much?

Why is My Child with Autism Crying So Much? Kids with autism or signs of autism cry for many reasons and trying to figure out why they are crying can be tricky. Today's blog is all about the reasons why kids might be crying and how you can help turn this behavior around. As a…

Pica and Autism: Mouthing of Things in Children

Many kids with autism exhibit pica behavior, which means they mouth, chew on, or ingest things that aren't edible. This can be extremely dangerous as kids often eat or mouth things that are either unsanitary or unhealthy in some way, or even objects that are sharp that could potentially lead to internal injuries. Today I'm…

5 Tips for Dealing with Legal Issues in Special Education

5 Tips for Dealing with Legal Issues in Special Education After two decades in the autism world, I have found myself in a few legal issues in special education - both as a parent and professional. I've learned some lessons about what to do if you find yourself in a legal dispute. Today I'm sharing…