Calendar System – Use a physical calendar and color coded pens, (I share my process with a pencil and red pen), to notate changes, incidents for medical and behavior related problems. This is great for documenting medicines, dosages, times of medications, etc.
ABC Data – Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence. These three words give context and explanation to incidents that can help with problem behavior prevention. Antecedent: What was happening when the behavior occurred? Behavior: What was the behavior? (throwing, hitting, headbanging, etc.) Consequence: What happened next? How was the behavior resolved or how did the incident end?
Rate Data – I explain Rate Data with the use of clickers, this is where you’re tracking the amount of a behavior by counting with a clicker. This is great for more positive data tracking, such as language samples.
Partial Interval Data – This is a more complex version of Rate Data in which behaviors are tracked via minor or major incidents at specific intervals and timetables. This can alert if there are certain times of day or activities that trigger more or less of the specific behaviors.
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